Grillo Gold - Handpicked Movie Gems

Over the years, Grillo has thrilled audiences worldwide with his distinct mix of intensity and raw charisma. From electrifying characters like Brock Rumlow in the Marvel Universe to the gritty and grounded anti-hero in The Purge franchise, Grillo brings life, depth, and a palpable energy to the roles he inhabits.

As we dig deeper into 15 of our favorite movies with Frank Grillo, you'll explore a bounty of fast-paced thrillers, explosive action dramas, and even a few captivating dramas that showcase the depth of Grillo's acting talent.

  1. The Grey (2011)
  2. Warrior (2011)
  3. Collision (2013)
  4. The Purge: Anarchy (2014)
  5. Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)
  6. Wheelman (2017)
  7. Wolf Warrior 2 (2017)
  8. Jiu Jitsu (2020)
  9. Boss Level (2020)
  10. Copshop (2021)
  11. Body Brokers (2021)
  12. Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard (2021)
  13. Lamborghini: The Man Behind the Legend (2022)
  14. MR-9: Do or Die (2023)
  15. Little Dixie (2023)

1. The Grey (2011)

Frank Grillo, known for his all-embracing performances, delivered a powerful portrayal as John Diaz in The Grey. In the survival thriller directed by Joe Carnahan, Grillo's character, Diaz, is one of the plane crash survivors navigating their way out of the wild terrain filled with aggressive wolves in Alaska.

Grillo brings a compelling complexity to Diaz, initially characterized as an aggressive, confrontational man who evolves into a more introspective character, grappling with the brutal reality of survival. His performance taps into primal and existential themes, maintaining a high level of physicality.

The brutal fights and hardships the characters face to survive the arctic wilderness brings out Grillo's action prowess, which he would later fortify in roles as Crossbones in Marvel's Captain America series. Frank Grillo exhibits versatility combining raw physicality with emotional depth, producing a complex character study amid the harsh reality of survival.

2. Warrior (2011)

Frank Grillo in Warrior is like the secret weapon you never saw coming. Playing the role of Frank Campana, he's not just a coach – he's the guy who spits out wisdom like it's nobody's business.

Grillo's got this rugged charm that fits the atmosphere of the movie perfectly. He's the kind of coach you'd want in your corner when you're about to step into the ring, no doubt about it.

As Campana, Grillo brings this no-nonsense energy, making you believe he's been through the trenches of the fight game. It's more than just lines on a script; he owns that character. (Apparently, UFC president Dana White hates the movie. Watch the video below to see why.)

Much like Tom Hardy in Warrior, Frank Grillo is not just a supporting actor – he's the unsung hero, the guy who adds that extra punch to an already knockout film.

3. Collision (2013)

In this 2013 romantic thriller, Frank plays Scott Dolan—a tip of the cap to this versatile actor’s ability to play characters with depth and intrigue. Now, you might mostly associate this guy with his high-octane action roles, but in Collision, we see a different, more vulnerable side of him.

Can we talk about his chemistry with co-star Jaimie Alexander? It's tangible. Despite the, let's say, complicated storyline after a bag full of cash plays mischief with their honeymoon plans, Grillo holds his own, presenting a man torn between temptation and moral integrity. The best part? Somehow, he keeps us rooting for him throughout his harrowing ordeal.

All in all, Collision lets Frank Grillo spread his acting wings beyond his regular tough guy roles, giving us a taste of his range in vulnerability and emotional strife. It's a must-watch for any Grillo fan!

4. The Purge: Anarchy (2014)

Released in 2014 as a sequel to the original The Purge, Grillo plays a character known as Sergeant, and brings some serious heat to the screen. Sergeant (later revealed as Leo Barnes) is an ex-cop seeking revenge during the annual purge—a night of lawlessness where anything goes.

But what starts off as his own personal vendetta turns into an unexpectedly heroic arc. Grillo unites a group of struggling survivors, showing us that there's more to his character than his tough exterior. We can't help but love the guy, right?

The Purge: Anarchy is a perfect playground for Grillo's strong silent type and bone-crunching action. He's really in his element throughout the film, becoming the ultimate anti-hero—quite fitting for someone as compelling and charismatic as Frank Grillo. If you haven't seen it yet, it's definitely worth checking out if you're a fan of Grillo or action-packed thrillers!

5. Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)

Remember Frank Grillo in Captain America: The Winter Soldier? He was impossible to forget—because he was playing Brock Rumlow, the guy who later becomes the notorious Crossbones in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). Yes, you got it!

In The Winter Soldier, Grillo is part of SHIELD... well, at least until we find out he's actually in cahoots with Hydra (bummer, I know). Grillo’s take on Rumlow is slick and dangerous, embodying that cool villain vibe perfectly. Although his screen time may be limited, let's face it, he leaves a lasting impression.

The MCU is a machine that knows how to do one thing exceptionally well: produce fascinating characters. And Grillo’s Brock Rumlow is no exception, offering up a performance that's got all the thrills and charisma we've come to expect from our Marvel baddies. And let me tell ya, if you're still catching up on the MCU, there's a whole lot more of Grillo to relish in later movies!

6. Wheelman (2017)

If you're looking for an intense, knuckle-whitening joyride, this flick's got your name all over it. In Wheelman, Grillo changes lanes from his usual hard-hitting roles, bringing his signature grit to the role of a getaway driver. Sounds straight up his alley, right?

But here's the twist: Most of the movie takes place inside the car, with Grillo trying to figure out who double-crossed him while handling the wheel like a pro. From start to finish, Grillo's performance is an adrenaline rush.

You can really feel his desperation and fear with every high-speed chase and close call. This movie just proves that Grillo doesn't need a huge cast or expansive set to keep you at the edge of your seat. His performance alone does the trick! Trust me, Wheelman is an awesome showcase for Grillo's acting chops and worth every minute of your time.

7. Wolf Warrior 2 (2017)

Grillo is serving up some major villain vibes as Big Daddy, the ruthless mercenary leader, in Chinese action film Wolf Warrior 2. If you’re a Grillo fan or you liked the first Wolf Warrior, you’ve got to see this one!

In Wolf Warrior 2, Grillo goes head-to-head with the film’s star Wu Jing, a Chinese special ops soldier. Big Daddy is as sinister as they come, engaging in epic battles and intense showdowns throughout the movie.

Even though he's bad news, you can't help but admire Grillo's performance; it's that gravelly, magnetic intensity we know and love. You'll enjoy watching Wolf Warrior 2 not just for the adrenaline-pumping action but also for Grillo’s Big Daddy, a villain so expertly portrayed that you just can't forget him.

8. Jiu Jitsu (2020)

The 2020 film Jiu Jitsu, is a wild, sci-fi martial arts ride! Grillo steps into the role of Harrigan, a rugged Jiu Jitsu master with some serious moves.

Not only does he provide combat training to the film's protagonist, Jake, but he also plays a key role in their fight against an alien warrior. Yep, you read that right: Alien. Warrior. What makes this particular role so enjoyable is how Grillo channels his inner mentor.

Despite being a bit gruff and tumble, Harrigan has an aura of wisdom and experience that you don't see in every martial arts flick. His scenes are packed with thrilling fight choreography that really showcase his impressive athleticism.

So if you're up for some fun, alien-busting martial arts action with Grillo taking the lead, Jiu Jitsu will not disappoint. Hilariously outrageous and exciting, it's a popcorn flick worth a watch!

9. Boss Level (2020)

If you haven't seen Frank Grillo in the 2020 action sci-fi film Boss Level yet, you're in for a mind-bending, time-looping adventure that's too much fun to miss! In Boss Level, Grillo stars as Roy Pulver—a former special forces operative who wakes up each day in a time loop, only to be hunted down by expert assassins before he inevitably dies. Think Groundhog Day with guns.

Grillo is an absolute blast in this role, giving Roy a mix of humor and badassery that keeps you glued to your seat. With each new day, Grillo's Roy finds new ways to outsmart his would-be killers, all while trying to figure out the mystery behind this bizarre phenomenon.

Featuring explosive action, wickedly clever fight scenes, and a bit of that Grillo charm we all love, Boss Level is a whirlwind of a movie you'll remember long after! If you haven't seen it yet, be sure to add it to your must-watch list.

10. Copshop (2021)

Grillo plays a character named Teddy Murretto and definitely brings his A-game to this one. Teddy is not just any character: he's a con artist on the run who ain't above getting himself arrested to hide out in a small-town police station.

Clever move, right? Grillo serves up a masterful performance, managing to make Teddy both shady and likable at the same time. What's fascinating about Grillo's performance is how he balances Teddy's desperation to stay alive with quick wit and a smirk that just doesn't quit.

You find yourself rooting for him even as he’s playing all the angles. Copshop will keep you on the edge of your seat, not just for the tense stand-off scenes but also for Grillo's fantastic portrayal of a man just trying to outsmart his enemies. Grab some popcorn and enjoy the wild ride that is Teddy Murretto!

11. Body Brokers (2021)

Body Brokers centers on the grim world of black market rehab centers, with Grillo starring as the slippery Vin. He’s the mastermind behind the operation, a slick businessman exploiting the very people he claims to help. Sounds intense, right?

What’s cool about Grillo's role here is that he brings depth to a character who could easily just be a two-dimensional villain. His portrayal is equal parts charming and chilling, making our skin crawl even as we’re drawn to his charisma.

It's Grillo’s performance as Vin that hooks you, his magnetism pulling you deeper into the dark underbelly of the story. If you're in the mood for a gripping drama that holds nothing back, Body Brokers and Grillo’s Vin are definitely worth diving into!

12. Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard (2021)

Frank Grillo plays the role of Bobby O'Neill in the 2021 action-comedy sequel, Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard. In this sequel, Grillo is the tough-as-nails Bostonian Interpol agent O'Neill, who shakes things up for our bumbling bodyguard and his gun-happy charges.

Grillo transitions into this comedic action-packed universe with ease, showcasing his versatility. Grillo's hardened yet humorous Bobby O'Neill adds a new, exciting layer to the movie's chaotic fun.

Whether he's navigating the deadly risks of a high-stakes mission or dealing with the absurdity of his 'allies', Grillo brings a rugged charm and charisma that fits seamlessly into the film's playful tone. If you're looking for explosions, witty comebacks, and Frank Grillo nailing it as a grizzled agent caught up in the fray, Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard is the film to see.

13. Lamborghini: The Man Behind the Legend

In Lamborghini: The Man Behind the Legend, Grillo takes on the iconic role of Ferruccio Lamborghini, the legendary automobile entrepreneur and the mind behind the eponymous luxury car brand.

And let's just say, he revs up this character to full throttle! Grillo portrays Lamborghini with great finesse, capturing the vision, ambition, and audacity of a man who dared to compete with established luxury car brands and created a name that's now synonymous with speed and style.

What's striking about Grillo's portrayal is how he captures Ferruccio's deep passion for cars. Through Grillo, we see a man driven by innovation and an insatiable desire to break barriers.

With a story as elegant and powerful as the cars it celebrates, Lamborghini: The Man Behind the Legend and Grillo's performance as Ferruccio is undoubtedly a cinematic joyride you won't wanna miss!

14. MR-9: Do or Die (2023)

In the 2023 film, MR-9: Do or Die, Grillo plays celebrity billionaire Roman Ross. Michael Jai White also stars in the movie based on the spy novel series, Masud Rana. Filmed in Bangladesh, Grillo delivers his signature style acting performance. Whether it's enough to fill in the gaps between the popular novel and movie is up for debate.

Think the James Bond of Bangladesh, except Grillo stars as the villain in this one.

15. Little Dixie (2023)

Doc Alexander is a man haunted by his experiences abroad, and battered by a resentful ex-wife in the action-packed revenge thriller, Little Dixie. The basic concept revolves around Doc playing the middle man, acting as a bridge between his former Army comrade Governor Jeffs (played by Eric Dane) and the ruthless Cartel that covertly financed his political campaign.

If you decide to give this one a watch, just know that Frank Grillo may be the only reason you ever watch it again.

Shared Adventures that Leave a Mark

There are actors who leave a mark on your movie-loving heart, and Grillo is definitely one of those talents. Grillo shines as an iconic actor who's performances can take the storytelling to a whole new level.

Think about it. Whether he's bringing the heat in Warrior or taking us on an emotional rollercoaster in Lamborghini, Grillo makes his characters feel real. It's not just acting; it's like he jumps out of the screen and hangs out with you.

Though many movies with Frank Grillo have a signature style, he's also versatile – starring in roles from different genres and making nearly every movie he's in worth a watch. But what really makes Grillo stand out? It's not just talent; it's the way he connects with us, turning movies into shared adventures.